Lets say for a second you are an artist. And just for the sake of argument, that you make work which deals with the moving image...maybe,...Video. So you are a video artist. And yeah, its 2006,...and your videos are short, like 2-3 minutes long. So what do you do with them? Do you screen them on public access? Do you upload them to youtube? Do you sell them in limited editions in a gallery? Do you make music videos for bands? Do you enter in them in underground video/film festivals? How can you make sense of it all???? And that's just for video, imagine what a headache you'd have if you made other forms of media art as well....
This lecture proposes different ways artists (not just video artists), can make sense of the internet and the explosion of low cost distribution opportunities that are available today. Given that there is no easy solution, and that distribution interest is often tied in with content --Internet memes, comedy, the "Avant Guarde", "hacking", open source code, MySpace, and Kurt Cobain, will all be discussed in no particular order, with Cory's work serving as the underpinning structure.
Cory Arcangel is a computer artist, performer, and curator who lives and works in Brooklyn. His work centers on his love of personal computers and the Internet. He is currently a senior fellow at Eyebeam Atelier in Manhattan. He is a member of the artist groups, BEIGE, + R.S.G. His work has shown recently in the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Guggenheim Museum, New York, the MOMA, New York, Space1026, Philly, the Migros Museum, Zurich, Team Gallery, New York, and Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, Paris. Aside from gallery installations, most of his projects can be downloaded with source code from his Internet web log ---> http://www.beigerecords.com/cory/
-- As of 10/16/06