Grand Challenge 2005
As of November 5th, 2004, 120 teams have applied for entry in the 2005 Grand Challenge.
Our goal for the 2005 Grand Challenge is to be a competitive entry (top 5), while having a two wheeled vehicle. Current testing has proven to us that we can control the stability of the vehicle. Controling direction and navigation will be a challenge but we see the problems solved in early February.

We learned many lessons in 2004.
Some lessons were hardware based. We spent all summer building a custom E-stop board that can interface to both AC and DC circuits. The board is designed for teams to comply with Grand CHallenge rules. The board was also designed to test the vehicle without the need to purchase a $12,000 system.
It is available for sale.
More info can be found here.
Other lessons were user interfaced based. We have documented all of our wiring and simplified startup proceedures to meet the 5-min start-up requirement.
We are developing our vehicle to demonstrate that single track vehicles have many advantage including, improved mobility and will be the next generation of Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV).